Friday, October 25, 2013


WATT Spirit WAS FOUNDED IN APRIL OF 2008 BY Extroverted Capitalist MCEBISI MICHAEL MSIZI AND IS BASED KAREEDOUW, EASTERN Aim, SOUTH AFRICA. Founded in 2008, Watt Spirit (Pty) Ltd has developed in the field of one of South Africa's prime renewable energy specialized companies. Having launched South Africa's exceed community wind farm in November 2009, the company has located itself as a Empowerment Aficionado Ghost caring on sprouting rustic communities guide renewable energy initiatives. The company's key objectives put in - community empowerment, - air job blend, - deprivation alleviation and rustic development ... guide renewable energy. Watt Spirit founded the Eastern Aim Shared Whirl Spirit Increase Direct (ECCWEDA), an NGO that educates and advocates community utter in renewable energy projects as a register to mainstream economic tell.



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