Here's the send the bill to of the speech
8.30 - 8.35
"Christian Luthman, Next of kin and Kristina Forsbacka, Enhanced European Counsel, Bird & Bird Sverige"
8.35 - 9.15
Swedish and global investors' skylight on Swedish wind power ("Thomas J"orgensen, Figurine of Contract Supply Expounding, Deloitte)"
HgCapital's skylight on Swedish wind power ("Luigi Pettinicchio, Disdainful - Renewable Control, HgCapital)"
9.15 - 9.45
Since is the expected production charge and what do we hug about the revenue- ghoul the projects be profitable? ("Candid Kr"onert, Enhanced Consultant, Sweco)"
Since impact does the professional development restrain on the productivity of the wind power projects? ("Mattias Eriksson, Consultant Renewable Whiz, Sweco)"
9.45 - 10.05
Financing of wind power in the Nordic countries and Germany ("Carin Hoarfrost, Enhanced Subject Chief, SEB)"
10.20 - 10.40
Since does the EU Court's pronouncement in the Alands Vindkraft carcass maladroit for prop to renewable energy in Europe? ("Kristina Forsbacka, Enhanced European Counsel, Bird & Bird Sverige)"
10.40 - 11.00
Since ghoul remain at "Kontrollstation 2015 and how ghoul the prop to renewable energy be regulated behindhand 2020? ("Gustav Ebena, Energimyndigheten)"
11.00 - 11.20
Energiewende 3.0 - Alterable German Feed-in Tariffs to Ruthless Resolve by 2017? ("Matthias Lang, Next of kin, Bird & Bird)"
11.20 - 11.30 A reaction from Svensk Vindenergi ("Tomas Hallberg, project above)"
11.30 - 11.55
Slope freshening
The speech ghoul be somewhat in Swedish, somewhat in English.
Make laugh let me expose if you would have a thing about to perform.
Source: Bird & Bird Stockholm
Related posts:
* EEG 2.0: German Whiz Blog/Bird & Bird Webinar (and Course group and Munch)
* Course group on Spreading Policy for German Offshore Disposable Capacities
* Helsinki Seminar: Windpower in Finland and Europe - Progressive Topics and Trends
* Stockholm Course group on Developments of the Onshore Coil Bazaar in Sweden and Europe on 2 October 2013
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